Sunday, September 15, 2024

No analysis

I have heard some people admit to not being particularly introspective which I find odd. After all, how can you improve yourself as a person without reflecting on where you have been and how you need to adjust strategy as a consequence.

Doing without introspection almost guarantees repeat errors and leaps off cliffs which are then looked back upon with great regret. Yes, learning through getting burned a little is often necessary but we shouldn't want to burn down the whole house.

I find impulsive people strange and ask myself why leaping and assuming that things will work is part of their baseline assumption. What might be obvious to them isn't necessarily part of the thinking strategy of someone else so before we leap we need think what happens when our calculation is erroneous.

Life is lived with a series of adjustments based on learned experience but without proper analysis of our traveled path we will always be fumbling around in the dark hitting objects.

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