Friday, September 6, 2024

Russian nested dolls

Being transgender can feel like an assembly of Russian nested dolls. In other words, you think you have gotten to the last level but there is yet another one inside. It is an analogy for the depth one needs to go to sometimes to figure out where you need to be. It is yet more fine tuning.

Being constrained and busy can be helpful because the distraction stops us from going further. When you have as much time as I do however, you discover new things all the time that you had simply buried in a psychological drawer during your previously very busy life.

I think I am running out of dolls or at least I hope so.


  1. This is an incredible analogy. Totally agree. I'm a CD in denial. Ok I am a CD, I admit it. Ok maybe I am gender fluid. Ok I am bi-gender......Ok, ok, ok, I am transgender. Took years of daily self evaluation. It never stops honestly.

    1. Nope it does not until you reach a point where the fine tuning is just daily maintenance


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