Monday, September 23, 2024

To the bitter end

The problem today is that the battle lines are so firmly drawn in the ideological and political spectrum that you end up with extremism for its own sake. People will defend their tribe to the bitter end. 

It didn't used to be this way before cultural rage took over our landscape. Now intolerance reigns supreme and we argue over every point as if our life depended on it. Family ties and friendships are sometimes damaged or lost over who one votes for. 

Expert opinion also need not apply today nor calm critical thinking which examines issues with the perspective they deserve. Instead we simply pick up our cross defiantly and defend our dogma to the end. We are all experts thanks to the social media reinforcement from our own kind.

Every group has its extremists and wild cards which is unavoidable because we are too eratic and unpredictable a species to expect anything else.

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