Friday, September 27, 2024

Will & Harper

"Will & Harper" will hopefully do a lot for visibility and acceptance. Will Ferrell is clearly a very good person and his acceptance of his transitioning friend will show us the true depth of friendship in some people. Harper Steele is 61 like I am and has had dysphoria all her life as I also have. 

Coming out is hard and they decide to go on a road trip to reconnect since the announcement. There is warmth in places of small town America you wouldn't expect. There are also poisonous tweets full of hatred on X that they read aloud and discuss together. 

Both the light and darkness of humanity are on display here but thankfully the former shines far more than the latter. The people they meet along the way are friendly and surprise with their welcoming attitude. There is a little misgendering here and there but nothing to write home about. Harper also has two accepting daughters and a sister who feels bad about her having suffered for so long. 

Well worth your time most especially if you can relate.

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