Monday, October 14, 2024

Answering questions

Euphoria doesn't last which I think is one of the discoveries of many detransitioners. Once you have transitioned it all becomes normal life again and the problems that were there before still are. If Ray Williams now thinks it was his erotic feelings which were responsible for his decision (he's fully bought into AGP orthodoxy), two years of full time living on hormones certainly put things into perspective and made him realize it hadn't been the right call.

This is why I think that the slow and steady 'less is more' approach works best where one stops at the point that harmony and balance are attained. In the past there wasn't a "real life test" for nothing for patients wanting to transition because it did help answer a lot of questions.  Living part time is fine but it can keep you on a euphoria cycle (I see a lot of very euphoric commentary quite often) which may indeed perfectly work for you but does not readily address the issue of a resting point which is different for each person.

One year of full time living in public can help settle an awful lot.

It did for me.

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