Friday, October 18, 2024

Blanket statements

I made a comment on a detransitioner video about how each case is different and what works for some is not the case for all. She was trying to go female to male, is a lesbian and decided to stop the process arguing that medical transition is unethical and that dysphoria is mental illness which I disagree with. She also stated that the happiness of the person was irrelevant. 

Of course everyone has their own personal experience and filter but I am at a loss to understand that viewpoint since I am aware of people for whom this process works. 

Sometimes gender dysphoria is not present and an incorrect assessment leads to a transition process which is regretted but I maintain that whatever leads to an improved mental state is what counts and making blanket statements for everyone else is a non-starter.

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I abhor agendas especially when there is malevolence behind them. When we simply want to help people it becomes transparent just as much as ...