Tuesday, October 22, 2024


Discord among gender variant people is always fascinating to me and I think it is most prevalent among older people who suffered the most stigma. In the not too distant past transsexuals were not welcome at Virginia Prince's original concept for a group and its been a rocky road ever since. 

When we talk about the T in LGBTQ the modern interpretation is that it includes all forms of expression and identity which means that people who even bend gender in small ways get placed within it. Married men who dress part time, outlandish drag queens and transitioners all share a place under a banner not all of them are happy coexisting under. Add to that people who dress up like children and sometimes tempers will flare.

People we used to term classic transsexuals still make video content with transmedicalism as underpinning their situation and some will mock non-binary people with beards, dangling earrings and dresses who they deem to be caricatures which speaks volumes about the human condition. We sometimes want our specific situation to be understood through distinction.

As our societal norms have changed we have tried to keep up with terms that try to capture how people feel but somehow don't quite measure up to the task. One of the reasons I have simplified the concept in my head was to avoid the plethora of terminology and reduce it all to underlying motivation, whether there is dysphoria present, it's intensity and the proposed plan to grapple with it. How I fit within the politics is irrelevant to me when I ponder more generally the topic of human justice and tolerance.

Some people get hot and bothered under the premise of politicizing a deeply complex topic with a myriad of behaviours and identities existing within it. For better or worse it is what we find within the human mosaic 

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