Sunday, October 20, 2024

For the umpteenth time

I get tired of explaining AGP and find it disappointing that for many it has become a synonym for arousal patterns in gender variant people. So even if it isn't science, I will express what it supposedly stands for in a formula: 

AGP = Illness which makes you want to transition 

The problem is that this is pure conjecture because not everyone is the same and fully understanding their motivation requires mind reading skills. 

Some people who have bought fully into Blanchard use AGP to describe their own transvestic fetishism as a compulsion. They don't feel a feminine essence and are perturbed enough to appear on podcasts talking about how to get rid of their problem which is distressing to them.

Others experience arousal as part of much more complex picture of a transgender identity being explored and fleshed out. Others still look at arousal as part of payoff in gender play with no distress being present.

Therefore when you see the term AGP being used somewhere simply think in terms of arousal and how it plays within your own personal schema if at all. Use Jack Molay's term of Crossdreaming instead.

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