Thursday, October 24, 2024


Gotcha moments are what people love online but they are just bluster as most issues are deeply complex and layered such that a quick retort produces nothing other than grand standing. 

If you've ever read the comments section of a YouTube video you might become depressed and despair about the state of human affairs. People's opinions are usually much more boisterous than the knowledge behind them warrants but this is the age of social media where you will find a friendly ear for any position one takes. 

True debate isn't to squash your opponent but should be about hammering out solutions that often leave all parties only partly satisfied. Such is the nature of compromise where we take small victories knowing that there are people out there who think accepted science is hoax and will fight you tooth and nail. 

The Israel Palestine conflict is one of those that is full of nuance despite the obvious death of 40,000 people most of whom were innocent victims of war. You would have to go back to 1948 and Israel's inception and even then not address all of the history properly. 

No, nuance is too complicated when you are looking for a simple gotcha.

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