Friday, December 27, 2024

Cleaning up

The geopolitical mess we are in will take at least a decade to begin to repair. The world is being remade with the nature of work, human relationships and global economics all being evaluated at their core. It took decades to make this mess which is why I don't suggest anyone hold their breath. 

I am often astounded how simplistic some people are when it comes to political issues given how the world is constructed in domino chains. When one nation sneezes it is invariably felt by others. Supply chains and alliances are fragile things and must constantly be examined to test their stability. 

Changing one president for another sometimes increases the damage but does not necessarily or easily destroy a much more complex global network already in place. Yes, an idiot man-child in the white house will kick sand in the air and there will be repercussions, but the rest of the world needs to focus on the task at hand and carry on.

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