Sunday, December 29, 2024

"I can't help it"

Of course we've all seen this before. An older gender variant person on a message board or blog states that they don't understand their need for cross gender expression but that they must engage in it. 

This speaks to me of having very deeply ingested that so called "normal" behavior excludes them. They have bought entirely into their childhood programming and identified their need as an itch that needs scratching. For people educated under a strict binary this is unsurprising. 

What can complicate matters is that motivations vary. On the one hand you have the typology who say "I know I am a man, have no issue with that but this is a needed outlet". Conversely you have those less sure who settle for occasional cross gender expression when there could be issues of unexplored core identity. They just don't have the luxury of exploring it for their own reasons. In each case, there is a difference of investment. 

Youth is far less likely to think that "they can't help it" because their indoctrination has been less severe by leaps and bounds. They are more prone to say "this is who I am so deal with it".

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