Monday, May 1, 2023


Bill Maher used to be entertaining until he became the old man sitting on his porch complaining about woke culture. Hence the left has abandoned him and accuses him of moving to the right. An accusation I happen to agree with.

Maher moans and groans and used to say that trans equality was a "boutique issue". He recently sat and interviewed Elon Musk and fawned all over him because he likely identified with Musk's own crucifixion at the altar of American progressive orthodoxy. But the problem is that Maher has not moved on and has been left behind by millenials and genZs who do not relate to his grumpy grandpa aesthetic.

As one of the last boomers even I can no longer stomach him and can attest that he has hardened his stance in parallel with the American right wing becoming increasingly radicalized. He may not want to sit alongside them but his own transformation has left him stranded and only favored by disgruntled centrists who despise political correctness.

Too bad.

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I abhor agendas especially when there is malevolence behind them. When we simply want to help people it becomes transparent just as much as ...