Sunday, August 20, 2023


Every person has a different level of profundity. I know this because I can tell when I have hit a wall with some people. It may be a quizzical stare or a response that makes me realize I am probing into a previously unexplored subject for them. It is not a judgement but instead an observation.

I only have my own way to be and vapid discussions bore me quickly but I also understand how I could bore someone else over a coffee. It is not always obvious to see what kind of person you have in front of you and so we look for little clues until we form and overall portrait.

I have sometimes spoken with PhDs who are socially obtuse but then come upon a person who has a wealth of wisdom but little formal education. It is the whole package which creates the individual and it is their zest for life that brings them sparkle with a person like me often benefiting from their earthiness and authenticity.

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