Wednesday, September 20, 2023


Imagine spending all your time being outraged. There are social media critics doing nothing but that plus spreading conspiracy theories and they make a lot of money stoking deeply seated fears in their devoted fan base.

This is the perfect era for building up a following because people feel unsettled. The societal landscape is changing on numerous fronts faster than they can keep up and at our core many of us are naturally insecure creatures. Some of this outrage is fabricafed but I think not all. Jordan Peterson for example appears to be genuinely perturbed by a world he no longer understands and so he jousts with windmills that he mistakes for legitimate foes.

Russell Brand is one of those who is outraged and now accused of multiple rapes when he was a drug feasting sex addict. His brethren on the right have not unexpectedly come to his defense because today unity of mission is more important than basic decency.

People have not ever changed but what has is that the mask is now off. Trumpism seemed to spur a collective movement to say the quiet part out loud with perhaps no end in sight and the natural ignorance and lack of curiosity of the masses helps to perpetuate this climate.

And so the outrage continues.

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