Monday, October 9, 2023

Down to one

The GOP helped to create its own misery beginning with their Southern Strategy which saw Dixiecrats increasingly become Republicans and it only went downhill from there. When Trump said he loved the poorly educated he wasn't kidding and a friend of mine who recently drove through the country further confirmed large swaths of it have many who are misinformed about their own politics. Never mind not being able to name your own member of Congress, some can't name the governor.

Today rural, white and non-college educated voters are in the firm grasp of the GOP only that they are an aging demographic. So all that Rupert Murdoch propaganda on FOX News will be going to waste because younger and more savvy voters tend not to fall prey to race baiting or other cultural scare tactics. That they have tended not to vote is a problem but if the country had automatic voter registration and with a small increase in participation from young people, Republicans would never win another election ever again with their caustic non-agenda largely built on culture war fear mongering while a well-oiled oligarchy operating behind the scenes.

The recent embarrassment with the ousting of speaker McCarthy is just more confirmation that it's become a partisan circus with only one party (flawed as it is) which is even remotely interested in governing.

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