Monday, October 9, 2023

Right in our skin

If we want to be out in the world we need to burn off being overly self conscious but also develop a certainty that we have every right to be there. I have noticed a massive change over the years as I relaxed into myself and started to smile and chat with people. In the early years, what I used to perceive as being found out was simply my nervousness which gave off signals that something was off with my demeanor. Indeed there was as I was petrified.

Transgender people aren't trying to "pass" as anything other than themselves so the mindset of trepidation needs to disappear if we want to blend into society. A little bullish indignation is also an asset which in me has seen an ability to disarm with a dismissive glare that speaks volumes (should I ever need to use it). The more self-accepting I became, the less I needed to even think about doing so because people can smell when we are right in our own skin. 

This is something not easily faked but we know when we are there and apparently so does everyone else.

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