Sunday, November 26, 2023

Loosen up

Ray the detransitioner felt more stigma being a gender variant male and convinced himself he was transgender which then started a chain of events towards transition. The stigma surrounding being a "crossdresser" (as he states in his video) was worse a concept for him to digest. That recent suicide by that Georgia mayor and pastor says a lot about the type of shame and guilt involved for some.

The thing is we need to remove all social stigma surrounding gender variance which I feel would cure a lot of the confusion surrounding transitions. While females have long been liberated to express a masculine side, the same has not been true for natal males.

I myself was much too heavily programmed against the idea of gender variance and, had I not had gender dysphoria, I wouldn't have dreamt of it otherwise. Yet with my liberated mind of today I could see myself braver in adulthood to begin at any age. I am certain many males would like to be more adventurous but are held back because of fear of ridicule.

The percentage of people who must medically transition is really only a fraction of the general gender variant population and so dysphoria or not, we should let people live however they please and remove the weight of judgement.

Unfortunately gender and its expression is still the holy grail especially for those with heads heavily invested in their dogmas and that's not an easy thing to fix. Plus gender criticals always have their panties so much in a bunch that they are alarmist to the point of self parody.

Still, I think we're going in the right direction towards some sort of balance point or at least I hope we are.

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