Tuesday, November 14, 2023


Sure enough as I expected, I caught someone else buying into Blanchard without them absorbing the entire picture properly.

Once again it hinges on the misconception that by naming a phenomenon you have suddenly solved its meaning when it does no such thing. The card up the sleeve was that by proposing AGP, Blanchard was then able to opine that all transitions by gynephilic-leaning gender dysphorics were rooted in pathology rather than in essential sense of identity.

That some people feel compelled to transition because of their arousal isn't in doubt and some detransitioners have admitted as much, however to say that everyone does is where the whole thing falls apart.

I have explained many times that since gender dysphoria likely has, at least in part, genetic roots, it is more likely than not to manifest itself in childhood. It is only during the sexual awaking at puberty, that the desire to be female can become tinged with sexual overtones. This is in contrast to those whose gender variance and therefore arousal patterns typically begin in post-pubescence.

Blanchard needed universality to try and give his theory credibility, thus accusing his patients of lying about early cross gender identification became his modus operandi and ultimately why his work is largely rejected today by clinicians who know their subject matter.

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