Monday, March 11, 2024


Concern for the welfare of transgender people is not necessarily felt by everyone the same way. Someone who dresses at home or goes out sporadically to safe spaces is not going to feel that sense of dread which someone who doesn't quite blend in and lives full time sometimes does.

This is not a critique as much as an observation.

I am not surprised by this because we can only relate to our personal experiences. As an example, I can intellectually relate to someone who is afraid to step outside but no longer emotionally because that dread has been burned off. Therefore I cannot feel their apprehension at a visceral level.

Some sites receive feedback from people who reside in different states of progress within the world of gender variance. Each individual may have attained their level of comfort and sometimes those who have advanced to some other plateau of exposure to the public may be envied only that their advancement can come with an increased level of risk depending on where one resides.

My point being that we cannot expect people to share concern to the same level regarding something they do not feel in their bones. The more I began to relate, the more my concern increased.

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