Tuesday, July 2, 2024


When I talk to people I see there is often confusion regarding expression and identity. Someone will tell me that they saw someone on the metro with a full beard, make up, a dress and wearing combat boots. I tell them that this person is very much about expression and most likely has little issue with their birth sex.

When core identity is questioned there is some degree of disconnect with birth sex involved. The person might go through a period of serious questioning and ultimately decide that some form of transition is needed.

I will often use the example of drag queens which can represent expression in its purest form but also contain within it people who are questioners of identity. Ru Paul identifies purely as a gay man whereas someone like Peppermint started out as a drag artist and ultimately transitioned. Here is a perfect example of the contrast between pure artistic expression and the questioning of core identity.

Another great example would be the contrast between April Ashley and Les Lee. These were two great friends who worked in the same female impersonation industry and exhibited a different combination of expression and identity. One a serious questioner of birth sex and the other a gay man who did not.

Ashley simply used drag as a hideout for a time.

                        Two friends

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