Friday, July 5, 2024

The psychology of full-time

The progress I have made over retirement has exceeded that made over the pandemic. While the latter was extremely helpful for the reflection process of where I thought I needed to be, my retirement allowed the concrete exploration of what that meant. It included avoiding needing to go back and forth in presentation and properly test what going full time truly looked like.

The difference between part time and full time is drastic and a change in mindset must necessarily accompany it. Everything you were taught about your gender needs to be examined under a microscope and weighed. There is no preparing or imagining it because the reality is considerably different and in the end we may find that the removal of life constraints would have us change nothing but we cannot know it by imagination alone.

Testing these waters is how you know whether this is right for you. The novelty wears off and if your true baseline is a male life with some sporadic expression, this experiment will most certainly confirm it.

I did my best to avoid getting here and yet I consistently became happier which was counterintuitive to what I expected would happen. My self-confidence went up as did my sense of calm. Joanna took progressively bigger pieces of my existence proving to me this was no fabrication from early childhood but instead part of my intrinsic birth wiring.

There is no preparation other than mental and even then, as we remove the childhood programming, it is a gradual immersion and discovery into who we truly are.

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