Sunday, August 4, 2024

Once you remove your dunce cap

Transgender and non-binary youth are an entirely different animal because of the way they grew up. They are showing us how gender is in fact a fluid mosaic rather than the static binary model we were sold for centuries.

The internet is full of videos showing the unique formulas they are adopting in which they are customizing based on their own needs. For some it is pure expression while for others there are various medical solutions up to and including genital surgeries. All of this being done in full transparency with knowledge by their friends and families whether they accept it or not. Hiding for them is synonymous with shame in who they are and thus their difference matures along with ever other aspect of who they are.

With all due respect to gender critical curmudgeons, this is not an "ideology" but an actual reflection of what society would look like when you remove artificially-mandated obstacles. The fact that some people overshoot or undershoot is also part of the variability of life when making free decisions with our bodies. In spite of what the deeply frightened are saying, we are still only talking about a very small segment of the population which will remain as such in part because some of these are risky and consequential ventures and most people are completely fine as they are.

I am always astounded by the amount of stupidity that sees some people be gobsmacked by something so entirely predictable. You just need to stop and think and it will come to you once you have bothered to remove your dunce cap.

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Religion stopped working for me quite a while back. It wasn't the idea that there is something greater than ourselves but rather it was ...