Tuesday, October 1, 2024

Preparing the terrain

I feel very comfortable living authentically. All my patience has paid off and taking this journey one day at a time has gotten me to a point I never expected. Most older transgender people didn't have much wiggle room after making life commitments they later realized were antithetical or at least not conducive to uplifting their identity. 

At each step I gave others options and suppressed my instincts so I could make things work. In the end I discovered that one cannot be truly happy being someone you are not to please someone else. Who I am is no longer negotiable. 

There is no regret because I did the best I could given the information I had and the opportunities at my disposal at the time. All of the introspection and research into gender theory prepared the terrain for where I am today which is very solid ground.

I have lost no one and kept the love and respect of my children which was my priority.

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