Monday, October 14, 2024


The term Woke has become synonymous with the dreaded gender ideology of 47 genders. Disingenuous idiots like Piers Morgan make that their front and center grievance for a world they increasingly don't understand and a subject they grasp even less. Add to the mix our own Canadian expert on everything and nothing Jordan B Peterson. 

I recently watched James O'Brien of LBC fame spar with Morgan on wokeness and the latter had trouble getting past transgender issues. The next big indignity was that the woke police was trying to make James Bond a woman which sends shivers up our collective spines. This kind of idiocy is hard to make up.

O'brien conceded he wasn't well versed on the topic and attacked it with an open mind which is all you can ask for. He also counts Paris Lees amongst his friends. Some British dimwit LBC callers he disarms and embarrasses regularly by asking for a definition of Woke which they stutter through before he hangs up on them.

Morgan and Peterson are far too dishonest and have far too much white conservative outrage to be repaired.

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