Wednesday, November 27, 2024

Who people think they see

The person who people think they see is irrelevant compared to the person we know we are internally. Identity isn't provided to us via a change of clothing,  voice or hair. It comes from deep within and is anchored there. 

Therefore a prerequisite for authenticity is to completely disregard opinion because the very act of caring what others think contributes to derailing it. 

Expression is only a part of authenticity; it is like the tip of a giant iceberg. Therefore if you are genuine you don't need to worry how you are being perceived because self-assurance and validation comes from deep within the well of our psyche.

You just need to worry about who you feel you are and if we feel like a fraud maybe it's because far too much of our power is given away to others.

For what reason? I can no longer tell you.

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