Monday, December 30, 2024


I've said this a million times but now it's been fully field tested: the only way to know for sure where you need to land is to push the envelope. 

Being constrained is like having training wheels on a bike. They hold you back from speed but also keep you stable. When you remove them you can go faster but can also fall off and hurt yourself. 

For some, constraints are a hindrance, for others they provide safety guardrails and for others still, their formula works just right and they feel balanced. However, you will know nothing for certain without field testing and deep introspection.

Living full time will lose its buzz after a while but if it is soothing your gender dysphoria it will feel like a tonic. There is no more euphoric build up to an outing because your outings are now your daily life. At the same time if this is right for you, it will feel right in the belly and going back to where you were will feel almost impossible. 

Older transgender people who have put off dealing with dysphoria through being busy or via denial may find retirement difficult because, once off the hamster wheel, there is no more place to hide.


  1. Yeah, this hits. One has to push the envelope to see how things feel. Keep testing, keep analyzing. And for me personally, it was retirement for me that allowed me to focus on self introspection without work distractions.

    1. Bingo that is when the mind is allowed to do its work. Push it slowly and without preconceived ideas :))


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