Thursday, January 4, 2024

Solitary Creatures

As many of our traditional societal structures have been abandoned, people are generally becoming more solitary creatures. Church attendance, belonging to clubs and simply inviting people over are all in decline and even dating long ago went virtual and became heavily burdened by hypergamy.

Women sought careers, earned their own money and began to compete with other women for the same pool of highly desirable males, leaving many to the frustration of being rejected. As a result, males between 18 and 30 have never been more without partners.

I won't argue that this is all bad since the obligation to marry and have children isn't for everyone. That some have discovered joy outside the confines of expectation can be good if it avoids entering commitments we later regret. The point here is there no longer hard and fast rules as to what people should do.

This period is the most socially turbulent of my lifetime and I see much good but also some bad which means it's more of the same in a world which has always been replete with uncertainty.

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