There is nothing more important than psychology.
We need to foster it and allow it to slowly morph over our lifetime. It changes over phases as it gains power through lived experience. If it isn't worked on, it withers and we risk becoming hapless automatons and victims to cultural norms and ideas which may ultimately make little sense.
Without introspection we will fail to discover who we are which must happen outside of echo chambers which can influence our thinking. This does not mean being isolated but instead finding strength in independent and critical thinking.
One of the great disappointments of my life has been to witness how many people don't think. They are instead reactive and reflexive and count on the power of the herd to guide them which sometimes happens to be off a cliff. We should be instead be asking why something is valid and why we should believe it. Look no further than Trumpism as one of the latest illustrations of why I avoid groupthink.
Over my life I have been forced to question fundamentals which I was told were sacrosanct but turned out not to be. This is because the human animal is first emotional before it is rational and is more apt to fall into acceptance through herd mentality. In that light, cults will never run out of willing customers.
If we want to determine how we should live in the world that investigation must almost happen in a vacuum which ignores mythology built around any subject. We must ask ourselves key questions and carefully observe our own behaviour always seeking calm and balance as ultimate objectives while optimizing self respect.
Am I returning to writing every day? Not even close, but only when the mood strikes me and, yes, the break did me wonders;)